Approach to InSAR technology in GSI
InSAR is a revolutionary technology for monitoring the Earth's surface deformation. Using InSAR we can visually understand the Earth's surface deformation caused by, e.g., earthquakes or volcanic eruption. GSI started research about InSAR technology in 1994. We developed and improved the original processing software and systems to achieve better results.
<InSAR results in the R&D stage (JERS-1)>
- Earthquake
- We detected crustal deformations caused by earthquakes all over the world and figured out movements of active faults which had caused earthquakes.
- Volcano
- We detected crustal deformations caused by volcanic activities in Japan, we figured out movements of invisible underground magma.
- Subsidence
- We succeeded in the detection of wide-area subsidence related to groundwater withdrawal.
From research to Project (start of the Precise Ground Deformation Survey Project)
Getting the above promising results, GSI aimed for the practical use of InSAR.
GSI designed the Long-Term Plan for Basic Survey in 2004, in which "the Precise Ground Deformation Survey Project" was stipulated to detect surface deformation by InSAR.
Based on the plan, we performed InSAR analysis regularly using PALSAR data acquired by the Advanced Land Observation Satellite "Daichi" (ALOS) from 2006 to 2011.
The aim of regular analysis is to monitor the ground deformation caused by subsidence and landslides, and the crustal deformation caused by volcanic activities.
When natural disasters such as earthquakes and volcanic activities occurred, we performed InSAR analysis urgently in order to comprehend the damage situation and provide the information for recovery.
These interferograms are published on this web site.
We focused on developing analyzing techniques to get better results after ALOS stopped its operation. In May 2014 the Advanced Land Observation Satellite-2 "Daichi-2" (ALOS-2) was launched. We will restart the project using ALOS-2 data.